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Complete climate control
from one universal system

The Selu Oasis System

Selu Oasis provides agribusinesses with reliable access to fresh water, renewable energy, and clean air to sustain true commercial value in crop-growing. The Selu Oasis climate controls enclosed growing facilities with one solution, thereby reducing the need to have multiple systems such as evaporative cooling, heating ventilation and air conditioning, CO2 injectors, and grid power with an all-in-one next-generation product. We allow agribusinesses to produce closer to customers, reduce utility operating expenses and increase profitability using the Selu Oasis System. Welcome to a new era of controlled environmental agriculture.

Oasis System Chart-graphic

The Selu Oasis System is a multi-functional, utility system designed to recycle water while also producing renewable energy to climate control agricultural environments. It provides immediate, independent, and sustainable access to water with an available fuel source. This is accomplished without the need or expense of costly centralized utility grids. The system has the capacity to operate from various fuel sources namely: natural gas, methane-based gas, hydrogen, geothermal, or concentrated solar applications.

A financial breakthrough
technology for Agribusinesses

Image of the Selu System next to a modern greenhouse in the desert - Selu Technologies
The Selu Oasis System is also capable of supplying heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) to our agribusiness customers. By clean-air recycling, our product will provide continuous humidity and temperature control to prevent mold and mildew damages to seedlings and plants within greenhouse infrastructures.
Reducing high operating costs
with a new era of utility access.
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The focus of the Selu Oasis System is to provide agribusinesses with clean water and renewable energy where they need it most. Through a single innovative system, our technology consolidates multiple utilities to allow growers to recycle humidity in the air while producing more water back into the atmosphere. This process eliminates high operating costs and maximizes potential growth yields making it not only affordable but attainable while naturally replenishing our environment.

Selu Oasis Systems are built to order, pricing available upon request via
© 2020 – 2025 Selu Technologies Inc Salt Lake City Utah USA